It depends on what type of credit cards you are applying for. If you are applying for %26quot;prime%26quot; credit cards they have higher standards that sub prime credit cards.
One way of finding out your actual fico score is either go to or go to a credit union and apply for card with them. They will tell you your score, and also what you need to do to get a card with them.
What credit score do i have if I am being denied credit cards?
You have to check your credit report to see that information. You probably might loose some point.
What credit score do i have if I am being denied credit cards?
check out if you know your credit scores u can know in advance who will approve you. besides your score, balances play a major part as well since they feel you are about to max out and looking to dump your debt into another card.
Citi does most likely not accept if your below a 680 or have any collections or high balances.
Amex will approve if over 700 and everything is current
bank of america, wamu, fairly easy to obtain if you have a credit history of 2+ years current no collections
etc etc you get the point hehee
What credit score do i have if I am being denied credit cards?
You are entitled to an explanation of why you were turned down. One time I had a great credit history but got turned down. I called them and they said I had just changed jobs and they didn%26#039;t give cards to people who were that short in their current job. You see, it could be something else.
What credit score do i have if I am being denied credit cards?
your credit has to be under the 500s but check out here you will be able to get approved for a credit card, just go under poor or no credit section and you will have a few choices, you keep getting denied because you are applying for the higher end credit cards which will not take the risk, use one of these lower credit cards for a few months then apply for a better one.
What credit score do i have if I am being denied credit cards?
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