How does that work? Also- Is there ways to keep both credits active so that you can have both options?
Does getting married combine your credit score?
Nope. It will help it slightly as married people apparently are viewed as more stable and responsible.
What happens typically is married couples get joint credit for things like buying a house, furniture, etc. Especially they combine strong income/weak credit with strong credit/weak income. That is how many people get their credit entwined.
Does getting married combine your credit score?
No. If one has a lower credit score it actually tends to hurt the other if they buy things jointly.
Does getting married combine your credit score?
No. You can have seperate credit in each other names, or you can have a joint credit account.
Does getting married combine your credit score?
No it does not combine your credit scores. Each person has there own credit score.
Does getting married combine your credit score?
you still each have credit under your own name and social security, and getting married doesn%26#039;t affect that. you might go to for more credit information. you don%26#039;t have to get things jointly, though in some cases if one partner has bad credit, the other can cosign for them, and if the payments are made on time, it will raise the poor credit score...but if payments are not made on time, then both partner%26#039;s credit scores will suffer
Does getting married combine your credit score?
No. Each person brings his/hers credit to the marriage. It is good for both to retain their scores individually. If they buy a house in both names the credit accures under both names. But if one runs up a hospital bill that affects the credit of the patient named. (Maybe it is different in community property states and non-community property states.) You might want to enquire from a local bank or mortgage company how it is in your state.
Does getting married combine your credit score?
No, it should have no effect on your credit score until you start getting joint debt.
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