or better yet make small purchases and pay them off. Credit score measure how you pay, not what card you have. Not using them does not really help your score. But, I do believe in avoiding debt, and over time it you do not have any late payments you score will improve on it%26#039;s own, so make those payments on time...or early and wait it out.
My credit score is 712, I would like to bring it up to 800. Should I cancel unused credit cards?
Canceling card would LOWER your score because it is based on the ratio of your debt to your available credit.
If you close up your available credit, then your debt / credit would be higher so they lower your FICO.
Improve your FICO by keeping low debt and an excellent payment history. Owning property doesn%26#039;t hurt either.
My credit score is 712, I would like to bring it up to 800. Should I cancel unused credit cards?
No, that is a common myth that is not true. By keeping your cards active, your credit balance that you are using compared to your available credit is higher, as well as your average account age.
My credit score is 712, I would like to bring it up to 800. Should I cancel unused credit cards?
Do you own property?
If you have a loan on real estate that helps your rating as long as you pay it on time.
My credit score is 712, I would like to bring it up to 800. Should I cancel unused credit cards?
suze orman says no. I saw it on oprah
My credit score is 712, I would like to bring it up to 800. Should I cancel unused credit cards?
No, no, a thousand times no!
You%26#039;d be better off, actually, getting credit limit increases on your existing credit cards.
Personally I don%26#039;t see the point of bringing it up to 800 as your goal since you can get all the best deals at about the 740 level if not lower.
To learn more go to http://www.creditboards.com/forums
My credit score is 712, I would like to bring it up to 800. Should I cancel unused credit cards?
Actually I am wondering why you would want to bring it up to 800. Generally anything in your range is considered very good. You can usually qualify for the best(or very close to it) rates on Homes and Cars with this score.
But what ever you do, do not cancel unused Credit Cards. This lowers your total amount of available credit and plays around with the amount used/open ratio which will lower your score.
My credit score is 712, I would like to bring it up to 800. Should I cancel unused credit cards?
try to use the credit cards and pay the bills on time...
My credit score is 712, I would like to bring it up to 800. Should I cancel unused credit cards?
that is excellent credit! bringing it to 800 would not make any difference. 712 is %26quot;A%26quot; credit and you can%26#039;t go any higher than an %26quot;A%26quot;.
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