Credit score is based on the way you have taken care of your credit obligations such as your credit card payments etc. It has nothing to do with adding $$ to anything.
What you can do is.....
1. if you have late payments that are showing can dispute these with your creditors. You can join it will allow you to see your credit report, score, history, etc. You can even dispute past late payments through their website. If a creditor does not respond to your request within 30 days the credit reporting agencies will make the correction automatically
2. Pay down some of your credit cards. You will get a higher score if your balance on your credit cards is less than 30 % of your credit limit.
3. It may be possible that you dont have enough credit. You may want to go out and get 1 or 2 credit cards and use them just a little. Make sure they are major credit cards like Visa and Master Card.
4. Some people make the mistake of paying off their balances each month. If you do this, it does not build credit. You need to keep a small balance on your credit cards in order for the payment history to count in your overall credit score.
5. Pay off and collections accounts or liens that you may have. If you joing the these accounts will be listed in the public information portion.
It will most likely take you at least 4 or 5 months to do everything I mentioned and get your credit score up where you want it.
My credit score is 566. How much money do i need to add to my account to bring my credit score up to 670?
If you think simply adding money to a credit card or checking account is going to raise your score, your dreaming. Raising your credit score from 566 can take anywhere between several months to a couple of years or even never. The least you can do to get it to start moving up is pay full payments to all bills and send them in on time. I can assume that you have a least a few thousand dollars worth of credit card debt. Putting a strong focus on getting rid of that or at least keeping it less than 25% of your available credit will definitely raise your score to some extent. You should annually ask for a free copy of your credit report and proofread it for errors. Go to
My credit score is 566. How much money do i need to add to my account to bring my credit score up to 670?
It%26#039;s not about adding money to your account! It is about a lot of things like your debt to income ratio, whether or not you make your payment%26#039;s on time, how much credit you have available versus how much you have used. How long you have had your credit cards. It will take time to raise your credit score that much.
I%26#039;m 22 and I have been very responsibly using credit cards since I was 18 and now my credit score is 720 so you just have to be patient and responsible with your credit.
My credit score is 566. How much money do i need to add to my account to bring my credit score up to 670?
It%26#039;s not about adding money to any account. If your score is that low, you have obviously had manylate payments with either your car or credit cards, or you have an unpaid bill in collection (and you%26#039;de be surprised, my girlfriend had an unpaid Home Depot CC balance of $.70 cents and it affected her score, LMAO), etc. There are many things that can affect your credit, but those are the worst above. And owing more than 50% of what you credit limit is will also affect your score, evenif you are making timely payments.
You need to pay off whatever outstanding debts you have (unpaid utilities, over due credit cards, student loans payments, etc), then and only then will your score start to lift. It takes time (unless you have a lender do a rapid rescore for you once you can show proff of payments and zero balances on outstanding accounts). Go to to view your credit report and see EXACTLY what%26#039;s affecting it. Then take it from there. It%26#039;s got nothing to do with money being in your bank account.
My credit score is 566. How much money do i need to add to my account to bring my credit score up to 670?
You gotta reduce your balances and pay everything on time, if you haven%26#039;t been.
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