Through credit repair......with any luck maybe you can reach 800! Usually companies charge hundreds of dollars to simply pull your credit and send correctly worded dispute letters閳ユ敄his is the key閳?.people will tell you that you can do this yourself for free but the truth of the matter is that the credit bureaus will throw your letters away or simply reject them. There is an easy to use online kit that will deliver the results you want available for just $19.95 at the source website. A similar kit is being sold via infomercials and radio talk shows for seventy dollars more but they try to solicit you repeatedly for other services after the fact.
My credit score is 754 but there are some negative items on my report how do i remove them ?
Wow, that%26#039;s a great score. Congrats. You can%26#039;t remove them. Negative items stay on your report for seven years, then they are removed automatically.
My credit score is 754 but there are some negative items on my report how do i remove them ?
go to the credit agency that has the negative items on them and dispute them. they will let the companies know that you have a problem with the negative items on your report and let you know my mail or email if successful
My credit score is 754 but there are some negative items on my report how do i remove them ?
You can%26#039;t. You%26#039;ll have to wait for them to expire.
Also, if you get some joker named STUDLY answering your questions, you%26#039;d be better off blocking the idiot. He blows people off, judges them and answer a lot of questions incorrectly just to get top contributor status.
My credit score is 754 but there are some negative items on my report how do i remove them ?
You can write to the credit bureaus that have the negative items and dispute them or you can do it on line. They have 30-days to prove that the items are true or they must remove them.
If the items are true, they will not be removed for 7-years.
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